Stop searching. Heal yourself

Reconnect to your Ancestral Wisdom & Inner power

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Fakaalofa Lahi Atu! I’m Lana (insert fist bumps)

I help you to reconnect to your Ancestral Wisdom and Kick Ass Inner power

Ready to remember your magic?

Did I hear a Hella Yes!!!

You’re in the right freaking place!

Sound familiar? You’ve got heart and you know you have the shiz to share with the World . You know there’s amazing potential inside of you. You know you’ve got so much to give the world. You know you’re here to think big, act big, and love even bigger…

And yet… you’re feeling stuck…stuck in the mud

In fact, instead of kicking goals (and ass) like you always thought you would, you spend most of your time feeling trapped. Stuck. Stagnant. Feeling like you are unable to create change, and incredibly frustrated with the (farking) emotions thrashing around inside of you.

To quell that emptiness and uneasiness – and to get that divine spark of inspiration back – you turn everywhere you can think of for answers: your friends, your family, your favourite writers…

But even if they manage to help you in that moment, it doesn’t last. The next day (hell, the next hour) those old familiar feelings of discontent and frustration rear their ugly heads again and you find yourself back at square one.

Sound familiar? 

I know the feeling well. That used to be me

And I know something else too: If you want out of the cycle of self-sabotage and self-doubt, if you want to stop feeling so freaking stuck , if you want to reconnect you… then you need to start with the only step that matters…looking inside of you

Get you Inner World Sorted and the Outer Stuff will take care of it itself

If you’ve been searching, seeking, and scrounging for answers, you’ve found the right place.


Get your inner world sorted,
and the outer stuff will take care of itself…

In Connect & Clear, in this 1:1 , we journey through the Past, Present & Future to reconnect you to all.of. you

Reconnect to your Inner Power and Transform your life

  • Past

    Connect to your Ancestors, strengthen your relationship and remember your Ancestral Wisdom

  • Present .

    Clear your limiting beliefs and write new chapters in your story

  • Future

    Create space, Clarity & call in your dreams

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Stop searching.

Heal Yourself

Reconnect to your

inner power

Rediscover your Ancestral Wisdom

Transform your life

What people are saying…


“After that session with you, good things started happening and in my way, including getting a job as a writer, that opportunity came to me, I was recognised for my writing ability. My career is set for the next 3 years.''

— Steven

It’s time to reconnect to your power

It’s time to transform your life

Schedule in your Breakthrough Discovery call, there’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. It’s a space to talk it out, to Talanoa, in a heart centred space, just like we do in the Pacific